Children are our future. As educators we are privileged to help them communicate with each other & the world.
The content in eWriting For Kids! is aligned with the Common Core State Standards, and NAEP Content Components.
The program will help prepare young writers for national assessment performance tasks, including higher-level thinking skills, sentence fluency, and internet research.
Each Lesson Sequence flows together in two separate sections:
“Interactive technologies, especially games… are highly engaging to students and have the potential to motivate students to learn. They also enable educators to assess important competencies.”
National Education Technology Plan, Learning, Powered by Technology, 2010
Game-based Learning Software supports learning by modeling desired writing methods, followed by interactive challenges in which students practice. Games keep students in a focused state of flow. That means capturing the students interest with an attractive goal (such as escaping from the Amazon Jungle, or winning a contest) teaching the concepts in a seamless and interesting way, giving feedback during problem-solving, and rewarding the student appropriately.
Each learning game concludes with suggested topics for independent writing. Student 5-step composing may extend over two to five class periods. Peer collaboration is encouraged, especially in revising and editing.
Teacher materials support each step: mini-lessons to reteach needed skills; graphic organizers to facilitate pre-writing; video tutorials to help in revising and editing. Sharing compositions is facilitated by links to sites where students may post their compositions to friends and family.
These rewards heighten student engagement, provide recognition for accomplishment, and illustrate progress for students, parents, teachers and administrators.
These are awarded by the teacher after each lesson is successfully completed. Students may poast their badges to their digital portfolios.
Signed by the teacher and principal, may be printed and taken home when student successfully complete the lessons for Grades 2-3.
These are awarded with completion of all lessons for Grades 4-5.